Edge Cloud Providers for Credit Card Processing
Edge Cloud Providers for Credit Card Processing

Edge Cloud, your comprehensive management, imaging, and communication solution, includes features that allow you to run point of sale, regularly recurring, and online credit card transactions. The actual claims and transactions are processed by third-party providers who specialize in providing these services.

Edge Cloud, Credit Card Providers, Global Payments, Worldpay, OrthoBanc, Vanco

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Edge Cloud's Image Cache
Edge Cloud's Image Cache

Setting up a local image cache with Edge Cloud means images are available much more quickly. The local image cache is a shared folder on your network that all of your other computers can see and access and houses your images. Your images are still stored in the cloud, but the cache also keeps a local copy of your images on your network.

Every image imported or manipulated in Edge Cloud is sent to our data center while also simultaneously stored in the image cache. This allows instant access to these larger files, without having to download them from the cloud, leaving more Internet speed for data.

Edge Cloud, Local Image Cache, Edge Cloud Images, Data Center

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Edge Cloud Messaging Center
Edge Cloud Messaging Center

Use Edge Cloud’s message center to send, receive, and respond to messages from other Edge Cloud operators, as well as professionals who use your Edge Portal Premium app.

Open the message center by selecting Message Center from the Messaging section of the Home ribbon bar. Or add the Messaging widget to your Dashboard; from the Application section of the Widget Library ribbon bar, choose the Messaging widget, and select to open it as either a Dashboard or Application widget.

Edge Cloud, Messaging Center, Quick Messages, Messaging, Inter-office Messages

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Top 5 Month End Reports
Top 5 Month End Reports

Each month, as new Edge Cloud customers come to closing the end of the month, the Implementation Team is often asked, “Which reports should my office run?”It’s a great question, and there are several options that you might consider running to view information about how your practice is doing. Here’s the list that our Implementation Specialists recommend:

Orthodontic Practice Management, Orthodontics, Productions, Edge Cloud, Strategic Planning, Reports, Month-End Reporting

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Edge Mobile Is Back!
Edge Mobile Is Back!

Guess who’s back. Back again. Edge Mobile’s back! Tell a friend!

That’s right! Edge Mobile is back in both the Play Store and iOS App Store. Search either Ortho2 Edge or Ortho2 Edge Mobile to find the app.

Edge Mobile, Edge Cloud, Mobile Application

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Rewards for Referrals
Rewards for Referrals

A topic we hear about often in orthodontics is referrals. How to get referrals from various sources, how to keep referrals coming in, and how much revenue referrals generate. You can’t go too far in talking about a practice without hearing about referrals.

Orthodontic Practice Management, Orthodontics, Cloud, Edge Cloud, Referrals, Referral Rewards

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Work Smarter With Edge Cloud
Work Smarter With Edge Cloud

Edge Cloud is your one-stop shop for all of your practice management needs. In fact, there are so many components to Edge Cloud that a lot of times we hear that customers feel like they aren’t taking full advantage of the whole program. Read on for a few ways Edge Cloud is used in a variety of offices that make everyone’s jobs easier.

Orthodontic Practice Management, Edge Cloud, Tips, Work Smarter, Edge Cloud How To

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Creating and Using Subgroups
Creating and Using Subgroups

A subgroup is a tool that allows you to pull a group of patients, responsible parties, professionals, referrers, appointments, etc., based off criteria that you select. One way to imagine this process is if you are taking all of the data in your database and pouring it through a strainer.

Edge Cloud, Dashboard, Reporting, Visual Help, Subgroups

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Is Edge Cloud a True Cloud?
Is Edge Cloud a True Cloud?

Here at Ortho2, we’ve heard some rumblings again that Edge Cloud isn’t a true cloud product because it is opened through an app and not a browser. While this is something that we’ve heard often, it just isn’t true. And it’s ok if you didn’t know that! We’re here to educate and help you understand what a true cloud means. .

Orthodontic Practice Management Software, Orthodontics, Cloud, Cloud Software, Edge Cloud, Cloud Practice Management

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