Work Smarter With Edge Cloud

Work Smarter With Edge Cloud

Published by Michelle Haupt on

Edge Cloud is your one-stop shop for all of your practice management needs. In fact, there are so many components to Edge Cloud that a lot of times we hear that customers feel like they aren’t taking full advantage of the whole program. Read on for a few ways Edge Cloud is used in a variety of offices that make everyone’s jobs easier.

Customizing the Ribbon Bar The ribbon bar in Edge Cloud can be customized to fit your exact needs. You can hide sections or buttons, or make buttons larger or smaller depending on what you use the most.

Click any corner icon of an Edge Cloud ribbon bar, and select Customize the Ribbon. The Customize Ribbon window opens with that section selected.

Customizing the Ribbon Bar

Choose the Edge Cloud ribbon bar you want to work with from the left side of the Customize Ribbon window. Once you select a ribbon bar, the middle section of the window lists all the sections in the selected ribbon bar, and all the icons available in each section. You can expand/collapse the sections as needed. Click to select the icon you want to work with.

Use the right side of the Customize Ribbon window to define how the selected icon should appear in your ribbon bar.

  • Show or hide the icon in the ribbon bar using the Is Visible checkbox. Hidden icons will still be accessible from the corner icon of the ribbon bar.
  • Select the icon size for your ribbon bar with the Image Size option. The image size changes automatically when you apply a ribbon bar template.
  • Select to position the icon to the left, right, above, or below the caption in the ribbon bar.

Application Widgets

Application Widgets

An application widget displays your chosen widget in its own window, so it remains available to you no matter what else you are doing in Edge Cloud. To open a widget as an application, choose the widget you want to work with, and select Application in the Select Widget Type window. The widget appears in its own window on your screen.

You can move and resize the widget window as needed, or you can pin it to a location within Edge Cloud. To pin a widget to your screen, drag it until your screen shows you the purple highlighted area where you want to place the widget. Once in location, click the pin icon to keep that widget in place. To see the widget again, simply hover over the tab with the widget name, or click on it.

If you decide to move the widget again, first unpin it. You can then click the heading and drag it again to where you would like the widget to be.

Workflows and Quick Actions You can use workflows to automate Edge Cloud actions whenever something happens in your Edge Cloud system. Workflows can be set up for a variety of actions including creating a treatment chart record when an appointment is processed as kept, merging a letter after a specific appointment is kept, or even adding a patient to a stack. The possibilities are nearly endless.

You can find more information about setting up workflows in the the visual help section of

Quick Actions Editor

You can fire workflows with one click with Quick Actions. In the top right corner of Edge Cloud, click the blue gear icon. Then click Add/Edit to add workflows to this list.

You can create workflows such as merging a letter or posting a charge by clicking the green plus icon. Simply fill out the wizard to add the Workflow to the Quick Actions.

You can create more advanced workflows, such as merging a letter and posting a charge, by clicking on the Advanced Editor option. Once you’ve added the workflows you use the most, click Save.

Assigning Options to Other Users When you have Edge Cloud set up to your liking, you can push your settings to other users. This can be helpful so all the settings are the same when the orthodontist is moving from chair to chair during the day. Click Other Tools in the Tools tab of the Home ribbon bar. Then click Assign User Options. You can assign a variety of options, including the items already mentioned in this article.

Assign User Options

To assign options to another user, simply select the user option you want to assign and click the right arrow in the middle column. Then click OK. Now select one or more users to assign these options to, and again click the right arrow in the middle column. Click OK. A new window will appear letting you know the options have been assigned successfully.

Quick Access Toolbar Do you frequently do a specific task in Edge Cloud that takes a few clicks to get to? Perhaps it’s opening a patient folder, opening the mail merge, or importing images. You can add icons to your Quick Access toolbar to open these actions with just one click.

You can see your Quick Access toolbar above your Home ribbon bar. Simply click the drop down arrow in the Quick Access toolbar to see the options you can add or remove.

Optionally, you can move the Quick Access toolbar below your Home ribbon bar. Right click anywhere in the Quick Access toolbar and click Show Quick Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon.

Quick Text Messages If you find yourself sending the same text message again and again, save some time by saving text messages as quick messages.

Quick Text Messages

In the patient’s folder simply right click the cell phone number and click Text. Type the message you want to save for later. A common example we see from offices is “Please contact our office as your account is past due.” Click the save icon at the bottom of the Text messaging window, or right-click and select Add Quick Message. Now when you go to text again, simply click the drop down arrow beside the message box and choose the message you want to send.

To learn more about any of these topics, watch the recorded Edge Cloud Work Smarter session from the virtual Users Group Meeting.