Is Edge Cloud a True Cloud?
Published by Michelle Haupt on
Here at Ortho2, we’ve heard some rumblings again that Edge Cloud isn’t a true cloud product because it is opened through an app and not a browser. While this is something that we’ve heard often, it just isn’t true. And it’s ok if you didn’t know that! We’re here to educate and help you understand what a true cloud means. .
First, let’s address the elephant in the room. Edge Cloud is a true cloud. Cloud 9 is a true cloud. Dolphin Blue is a true cloud. Greyfinch is a true cloud. Are you getting the Oprah “You get a car, you get a car” vibes yet? Almost every orthodontic practice management software company offers a true cloud product.
But what makes software a true cloud. The distinction isn’t if you open your software in an app versus a browser, it’s whether the data is stored locally (on a server you maintain) versus in the cloud (in a data center the software company utilizes). Data in Edge Cloud is stored in a data center that is off-site from your practice location and Ortho2.
The easiest way to explain cloud computing is to use an example that most everyone can relate to: social media. And today we’re going to use Facebook as an example. When you need a break at work and type facebook.com into your browser, you are using cloud software. You know this because when you are sitting on your couch at the end of the day, and open Facebook from the app on your phone, the data is the same. Your profile picture hasn’t changed. The posts and stories you shared are still there. The data is the same across devices. And this data is stored in data centers, just like Edge Cloud.
Another example of this is Zoom. If you haven’t installed the application on your computer, Zoom will suggest you do for a better experience. Zoom is still a true cloud software whether you are in a browser or in their desktop application.
You can open cloud software from a browser and that’s ok. You can also open cloud software from an app, and that is equally ok. Where you access your data isn’t the only factor that determines if the software is cloud-based. Here are some things needed for a true cloud software:
- You have access from multiple devices – you can log into the service from another device, like a different computer or your phone.
- The service requires an Internet connection.
- You don’t need a server or to worry about backups, as they are done at the data center.
If you want to know more about the data center Ortho2 uses for our Edge Cloud users, check out this white paper.
Orthodontic Practice Management Software, Orthodontics, Cloud, Cloud Software, Edge Cloud, Cloud Practice Management