Creating and Using Subgroups
A subgroup is a tool that allows you to pull a group of patients, responsible parties, professionals, referrers, appointments, etc., based off criteria that you select. One way to imagine this process is if you are taking all of the data in your database and pouring it through a strainer.
Edge Cloud, Dashboard, Reporting, Visual Help, Subgroups
3 Minute Read

Is Edge Cloud a True Cloud?
Here at Ortho2, we’ve heard some rumblings again that Edge Cloud isn’t a true cloud product because it is opened through an app and not a browser. While this is something that we’ve heard often, it just isn’t true. And it’s ok if you didn’t know that! We’re here to educate and help you understand what a true cloud means. .
Orthodontic Practice Management Software, Orthodontics, Cloud, Cloud Software, Edge Cloud, Cloud Practice Management
3 Minute Read

The Top 7 Dashboard Widgets
The Dashboard is the first thing you see when you log into Edge Cloud, and it is specific to you. It helps you visualize the things that are most important to you and your job. There are all kinds of tools to use to populate your Dashboard; you can use as few or as many as you’d like. Here are our top seven widgets that keep your practice on track.
Edge Cloud, Dashboard, Dashboard Widgets, Practice Management Software, Cloud Practice Management, Orthodontics
3 Minute Read

Using Treatment Findings With Edge Animations
Edge Animations can be used for a variety of reasons – educating patients and parents about treatment, reminding them about how important compliance is, and marketing your practice on social media. You can use Edge Animations in conjunction with patient treatment findings to create a collection of videos to show patients treatment for their specific needs.
Edge Animations, Edge Cloud, Treatment Findings, Integration
3 Minute Read

Tap Into the Magic of Edge Cloud!
The AAO annual meeting is just a week away and we can’t wait for you to stop by our voodoo shop in New Orleans! For more than 40 years Ortho2 has been leading the way in orthodontic practice management solutions. Our dedication to orthodontics puts Edge Cloud at the forefront of innovations for your practice management solutions.
Edge Cloud, AAO, AAO Annual Session, Edge Cloud AAO Annual Sale, Cloud Practice Management, Orthodontics
2 Minute Read

7 Trainer's Tips for a Successful Edge Cloud Training
Training on a new software can seem like a daunting task. It isn’t something that you or your team members go through very often.
Orthodontic Practice Management, Orthodontics, Cloud, Edge Cloud, Training
3 Minute Read

Investing in Your Practice and Future
When you think of investing in your future, what comes to mind? Putting money aside for retirement? Higher education to pursue your career goals? Perhaps it’s a vacation home. But have you ever thought about orthodontic practice management software as an investment in your future? No? Well, here at Ortho2, we think you should.
Orthodontic Practice Management, Organization, Orthodontics, Cloud, Efficiency, Edge Cloud, Access, Cloud Practice Management
2 Minute Read

Know Who is Calling Your Office With Edge Pop
One of the best features in Edge Cloud is Edge Pop – a pop-up display that shows when receiving phone calls from associated patients and responsible parties. The notification lets you know who is calling before you pick up the phone. And this may be helpful if the patient is hard to understand or if they have a tricky name to spell.
Edge Pop, Edge Cloud, Innovative Features
3 Minute Read

Implementing New Technology
By Andrea Cook
There are many exciting new orthodontic technologies on the market that can make your office and team more efficient and provide a higher level of patient care. Choosing the best fit for your needs can be a bit confusing.
Andrea Cook, New Technology, Adopting Technology, Orthodontic Teams, Software Implementation
5 Minute Read