Using the Mail Merge Queue
Using the Mail Merge Queue

When sending an email or letter to a patient, it might be part of your process to have a fellow team member review the document before it is sent.

Edge Cloud, Merge Letters, Visual Help, Mail Merge, Mail Merge Queue

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Edge Animations: Animated Patient Education
Edge Animations: Animated Patient Education

By Jim Powell, Ortho2 3D Animation Supervisor

Enhance your practice with powerful education videos with Edge Animations!

Edge Animations, Orthodontic Education, Edge Cloud, Treatment Findings, Patient Marketing, Integration, Patient Education

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Bienvenidos a Miami and Edge Cloud Savings
Bienvenidos a Miami and Edge Cloud Savings

We are so excited to see everyone in Miami for the AAO Annual Session.

Ortho2, Meetings, AAO, Referral Rewards, Edge Cloud

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Patient Rewards
Patient Rewards

Edge Cloud’s patient reward system allows you to calculate points and track rewards you offer as incentive to motivate patient attendance, treatment cooperation, oral hygiene, and more.

Patient Rewards

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